Resort Living in My Van

The big push to sell everything and create order out of the chaos is over, and I’m at my new home for the next two months. This is Casper’s new parking place (You can see Pepe, my e-bike, in the background).

And this is my new parking place.

Pool at the resort

I have to admit that I still don’t really believe I’m here and retired. This is like my pre-travel halfway house. I had to cut my two months in Arizona short to take care of stuff at home, so this will be my adjustment period while I settle into my life of freedom and adventure.

Yes, I am still leaving for Puerto Vallarta on May 1st, but I’m trying hard to live in the now. Having the time to workout, ride my bike, and meditate will make that easier…I hope. I am a planner, and that makes it hard to stay in the now. Hey, I’m a work in progress.

My Dream of Travel Started With Doing the Work

My Dream of Travel Started With Doing the Work Creating this blog was more of a learning experience than I would have ever thought. I learned a lot about blogging, but even more about myself and my motivations. I had to make some life changes along the way, and yes, I have a few bruises from the growing pains, but I’m much better for it.  

Setting rules about getting things done was a necessity as was putting into action a lot of the productivity knowledge that I’ve accumulated over a lifetime of reading and attending seminars. I’d like to thank Mark Joyner, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Dr Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy and many many more.  

If you’re just starting out in your own business, or if you’ve been in business for a while but not having the success you hoped for, I highly recommend Mark Joyner’s and Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within. Both will change your life in great and wonderful ways.  

Please let me know what you’re up to and share your dreams. I love hearing about so many creative and hard working people as their dreams become real and they make new dreams. We are all on the path of growth and expansion, so let’s walk it together and help each other. 
Map of Central America, the Antilles and the Caribbean written with misspellings. It comes from a Spanish school. Published 1969.